White Conch Studios, a Canadian movie production company founded in 2018 with the vision of crafting stories for life. It’s first and upcoming movie “The Lamp of Truth” is based on the real-life situations of Dr. Varatharajah in the war zone. We believe this movie will set a mark in the industry in a unique way. The company is structured ground up with around 25 middle-class shareholders without a few holding majority ownership.
Several movies based on war zone experience produced by large Hollywood movie companies. Even though the movie industry generally viewed as entertainment, those wartime movies serve a very important role as passing the historical knowledge and experiences to the next generations and wider audience. Producing a movie is a complex and costly effort. Even though, with a talented team of artists, it’s quite difficult to find producers to crafting stories for life. A team of professionals and artists joined together to overcome this financial hurdle and formed the White Conch Studios which is a Canadian private corporation owned by several shareholders.
Dr. Varatharah’s story was chosen as the first project of the company because it has a very deep human rights, truth, genocide and a humanitarian story that needs to be told to our future generations. His story has a very deep desire, to tell the truth especially when the truth was manipulated by powers and even media was prohibited in that killing field aka No Fire Zone. Even though there were several hurdles and almost near death cases, the Doctor determined to tell the truth. Though he was pressed hard and blackmailed, the doctor temporarily bowed down but showed resilience and courage to get the truth to the appropriate venue such as world stage like UN later. He became the lamp of truth for the victims.
White Conch Studios goal is to produce quality films that are unique in nature and able to make an impact in the industry. We believe the movie “The Lamp of Truth” will be a unique type of movie that can set a long lasting mark in the industry and appreciated by the audience. This movie is produced with about half a million budget and several different teams of artists from Toronto, Ottawa, and Tamil Nadu. We also plan to bring this movie to the independent movie market space and looking forward to releasing it in fall 2019.
White Conch Studios partnered with Ambuli Media, a production company that produced several award-winning short films to produce the movie. The Lamp of Truth movie project also has TransImage as executive producer to manage and run the production. With this collaboration and multiple talented teams, we believe we can provide quality and needed work to a wider audience obviously with the support of all our fans and supporters.